163: Embracing Darkness To Better See The Light

163: Embracing Darkness To Better See The Light

Everybody’s life has unique challenges, but no matter where we find ourselves, there are still positives to embrace, along with the realisation that it could be worse.

In this episode I discuss how contemplating darkness has helped me to better see the light, and how it could help you as well.

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159: Using Brutal Honesty To Align Your Actions With Your Purpose

159: Using Brutal Honesty To Align Your Actions With Your Purpose

Unless you are completely honest with yourself, your actions will be out of line with your true purpose. By ‘true purpose’ I am not referring to anything religious or spiritual. I am referring to what you as an individual, given your unique set of genetics and environmental influences, is best set up to do.

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131: Dealing With Triggers & Trauma

131: Dealing With Triggers & Trauma

When you are triggered, you feel like the trauma is happening again.

This is never an easy situation to manage. Whilst triggered, you will experience intense emotions combined with a diminished ability to cope.

This can lead to catastrophe.

In this episode I discuss how I manage my triggers, both internally, as well as how I explain it to those close to me.

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129: The Fallacy Of Success - Why We Underestimate The Struggle

129: The Fallacy Of Success - Why We Underestimate The Struggle

It is all to easy to look at the end result of someones life and believe that they had it easy, and that they knew where they were going.

We are blessed with hindsight and detachment.

Every successful person has their cross to bear. Most had no idea that they would make it to the heights that they did.

What does it take to keep going? How do you know that you are on the ‘right path’?

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128: Adjusting To The New Normal - Morning Routines, Self Care & Your Circle Of Influence

128: Adjusting To The New Normal - Morning Routines, Self Care & Your Circle Of Influence

There is a new normal coming, one of restrictions & social isolation - this is an unavoidable reality. But what can we do to stay mentally healthy?

In this episode I discuss the importance of accepting reality, establishing a morning routine and planning your day. I also highlight the increased need for effective self care and a shift towards focusing only on your circle of influence.

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127: Adapting To New Realities: Social Distancing, Financial Strain & Mental Health

127: Adapting To New Realities: Social Distancing, Financial Strain & Mental Health

State wide lock-downs are in place, effectively shutting down normal life as we know it. This presents obvious challenges, both financial, social and mental.

Adapting to these changes will take time, but it is possible.

In this episode I discuss my reaction to the Corona-virus situation, the need for continuing self care, as well as the potential state of the world moving forward.

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126: Fear - The Real Danger Of The Coronavirus

126: Fear - The Real Danger Of The Coronavirus

There is always something to be afraid of.

This is by design. The media outlets, social media platforms and people in the public domain all have a vested interest in promoting this fear: it keeps you coming back for more information.

This leads to advertisement revenue.

The real world risk for most of us from the Coronavirus is minimal. There is little that you can do to prevent it.

I prefer to step back, turn off the 24hr news cycle and look at life as it actually is, not as what I am being told it is.

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126: Maintaining Mental Health During The Coronavirus

126: Maintaining Mental Health During The Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is causing a disruption to normal life.

For me this has meant stopping social gatherings, reducing my training, delaying profession development, and most significantly, the postponement of my therapy sessions.

Maintaining mental health is vital at all times, but particularly now.

In this episode, I discuss the impact of the Coronvirus, and what I am doing about it.

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124: Facing Violence - The Principles Of Self Defence

124: Facing Violence - The Principles Of Self Defence

Historically speaking, we live in the most peaceful time in existence; yet there is still a prevalence of crime and violence - instance of which many of you will know first hand.

Keeping myself safe and developing competency in this area has led me on a life long quest to develop my skills as a martial artist, to think tactically as well as to share this knowledge.

I hope to answer the following questions here:
What can you do to keep yourself safe? How can I end a fight quickly? What happens after a violent conflict?

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120: Answering The Question That I Am Asked The Most

120: Answering The Question That I Am Asked The Most

For as long as I knew him, my dad dealt. Every day, a procession of desperate, malnourished and volatile addicts would visit our house looking to score. From a child’s perspective, they seemed to have only one goal - acquiring their next high. Growing up in this environment had a profound impact on my life and world view.
I never felt safe.

In this podcast, I answer the question that I am asked the most, ‘Where was your mum in all this?’

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119: Stop Criticising People Who Donate To The Bush Fires - We Are In Desperate Need Of Their Money!

119: Stop Criticising People Who Donate To The Bush Fires - We Are In Desperate Need Of Their Money!

Every time someone donates hundreds of thousands (if not millions) towards the bush fires, they are criticised.

Every past flaw or issue is highlighted. 'Remember what they did, they are a terrible person because of...' Perhaps they are.

But it is important to note, that everyone is human, and someone will despise every public figure. Thus they will all receive this treatment.

Perhaps we should instead be grateful for the money, and encourage more of that behaviour. It is desperately needed after all.

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118: Why Your New Years Resolution Will Fail

118: Why Your New Years Resolution Will Fail

Big dramatic changes are almost impossible to maintain. Eventually your motivation will fall and life problems will surface, leaving you to fall back on prior habits.

If you are going to commit to something in 2020, make sure it is something that you value. Do it slowly, and don’t wait. Start right now.

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117: Dealing With Christmas Depression & Social Obligations

117: Dealing With Christmas Depression & Social Obligations

Christmas presents quite a challenge to those of us with mental illnesses, past trauma or family/relationship issues.

There is a plethora of social, financial, and personal pressures that are simply forced upon us.

In this episode I deconstruct these issues as well as outline my approach to staying sane over the Christmas season. I also answer a collection of questions from you.

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116: Why You Need To Create A Crisis Plan Today

116: Why You Need To Create A Crisis Plan Today

A crisis plan outlines what you would like to occur when you are going through a mental health emergency.

It acts as a trigger for action that when implemented, takes you through the steps necessary to get the help that you may need.

I strongly suggest that you make a crisis plan up now - while you are in a good place - so that it is there for you when you are not.

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115: The Worst Thing Possible is Guaranteed To Happen - So Lets Stop Worrying About It

115: The Worst Thing Possible is Guaranteed To Happen - So Lets Stop Worrying About It

The worst of my fears are guaranteed to happen.

At some stage, all of my friends and family will die, and so will I. Nothing else is certain. Yet when I review my topics of rumination, I spend comparatively little time here.

This revelation was exceptionally freeing, I now know that I am free to follow my dreams - why? Because the worst will happen any way.

In this episode I explore this concept in depth.

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114: The Problem Of Over Abundance (Why I am Embracing Silence)

114: The Problem Of Over Abundance (Why I am Embracing Silence)

Never before have humans had the ability to completely kill boredom.

At the click of a button we can communicate, watch, read, listen and play. Sounds great, but what is that lack of silence, that lack of ‘sitting with yourself’ doing to our mental states?

In this episode I dissect the overabundance of information that modern society presents to us.

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113: Taking A Walk Through Struggle Town

113: Taking A Walk Through Struggle Town

I have been going through a rough time recently. This podcast breaks down my journey through struggle town as well as how I plan to get myself out.

Thank you to everyone who has been messaging me on social/commenting on my videos with their support. It means a lot.

I apologise for the lack of content, I will get back to it as soon as I am well.

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111: Why We Are All Trapped In A Social Media Echo-Chamber

111: Why We Are All Trapped In A Social Media Echo-Chamber

Social media uses algorithms designed to promote maximum engagement.

It does this by showing posts to people who will engage (positively or negatively) - typically this is the same people over and over again.

This creates an echo-chamber that distorts your reality - if left unchecked it can make you feel like the whole world is split (and viciously attacking each other) all around the issues closest to you.

This will corrupt your thinking and is simply untrue.

In this episode I break down how this happens and the impact it will have on your mental state, as well as how best to manage it.

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