Learn How To Learn & Free Your Mind

Learn How To Learn & Free Your Mind

“Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.” – Tony Buzan 

No matter what you want to accomplish in life, one thing is certain, it will require learning. Therefore the skill of learning is one of the most important things to develop. If you know how to learn, every possibility is open to you.

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Why Having a Child Isn’t as Bad as Everyone Says It’s Going to Be

Why Having a Child Isn’t as Bad as Everyone Says It’s Going to Be

In the months leading up the birth of my first child, I noticed something strange occurring. Almost everyone that I told the news to had the same reaction. First, they congratulated me, then they proceeded to tell me endless stories of the horrors of childbirth and fatherhood.

They would share tales of sleepless nights, never ending inconsolable crying and the mountains upon mountains of poo that regularly explodes out of nappies. 

All of this combined in my mind to create a storm of anxious rumination. As the pregnancy progressed, my mental health steadily declined. I would bounce between dissociation and anxiety with a dash of regret thrown in there.

This is the post that I wish was available to me during that time.

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