Mental Health Doesn't Run On A Schedule


Want to lose my respect? Attempt to rush my recovery or place my mental health on a (your) time limit.

Healing takes time. It is not liner, not predictable and involves a lot of confusion.

One day I may appear fine, I may have been, or I may have been pulling all my reserves out to make that day a good one.

The next day I may appear down, if I am around you, my mental state is NOT a reflection of how I feel about you, so please don’t take it as such – ironically, doing so will stress me out and cause me to have issues the next time we meet.

Put simply, pressuring someone to be or act a certain way is toxic, unhelpful, and counterproductive. 

A better approach is to be supportive and ask what is needed… and then do it. And for God’s sake, do not put a timeline on another person’s recovery or attempt to limit the extent of their needs.