124: Facing Violence - The Principles Of Self Defence

124: Facing Violence - The Principles Of Self Defence

Historically speaking, we live in the most peaceful time in existence; yet there is still a prevalence of crime and violence - instance of which many of you will know first hand.

Keeping myself safe and developing competency in this area has led me on a life long quest to develop my skills as a martial artist, to think tactically as well as to share this knowledge.

I hope to answer the following questions here:
What can you do to keep yourself safe? How can I end a fight quickly? What happens after a violent conflict?

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15: Protect Your Mental State At All Costs

15: Protect Your Mental State At All Costs

"Protect your mental state, that way you are in the best place to help others.

It is important to realise that your mental state is the lens in which you view the world, if it is compromised, so to is your ability to judge the people, events and actions of your life..."

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