Profiting From My Pain

Profiting From My Pain

I’m proud to say that I’m mentally ill.

That sentence probably made a lot of people squirm, which is an indication that we still have a lot of work to do regarding the stigma associated with mental illness. But I stand by my statement.

- April W

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"No Longer Living A Lie"

"No Longer Living A Lie"

"My self-harming was perhaps the addiction I struggled with most, because as I let go of my other disorders, I craved a sense of control. Control of the body has always been my coping mechanism. I can control what I do to myself even if I can’t control what others do to me..."
-Suzie Larson

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"Pits and Valleys”

"Pits and Valleys”

"On May 8, 2015, I was released from my fourth and final mental hospital. I had spent over half a year in them during the age of 14 due to self-harm and a suicide attempt. After two years of being put on God knows how many high dosage medications, it felt like my doctors and I had finally cracked the code" - Sam Wilson

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