Surviving Addiction & Depression - Jack Agatston

Surviving Addiction & Depression - Jack Agatston

Life with addiction and depression can be hard enough. But the stigma surrounding the two issues can increase the shame felt by the person afflicted to the point where recovery becomes much more difficult. For myself the feeling of being different from my peers was one of the hardest things to overcome.

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Winning The War In My Head - Adam Nebbs

Winning The War In My Head - Adam Nebbs

It's been hard getting up the courage to share but I think these days it's important we do.

I've battled anxiety for many years now, even when I was young all I can remember was obsessing about what others thought of me. In the last two year's I've lost my best mate to suicide, seen a marriage crumble and my self with it …

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Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable - Rosella Reinwand-Crooks

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable - Rosella Reinwand-Crooks

This wasn’t easy for me to write. Partly because I am an intensely private person, and partly because it’s difficult for me to organize and articulate my thoughts. My words feel clumsy and inadequate …

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"My Life With BPD" - Vicki

"My Life With BPD" - Vicki

I wrote this poem whilst taking part in an 8 week residential recovery program, following an attempted suicide.

The poem outlines my life on a very personal level.

My emotional invalidation as a child, the death of my father at aged 9, sexual abuse by the policeman who lived next door and then my stepfather. My rebellion and promiscuous lifestyle as a teenager. It outlines the misdiagnosis over the years.

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Profiting From My Pain

Profiting From My Pain

I’m proud to say that I’m mentally ill.

That sentence probably made a lot of people squirm, which is an indication that we still have a lot of work to do regarding the stigma associated with mental illness. But I stand by my statement.

- April W

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I Rap Because I Struggle - MPTH

I Rap Because I Struggle - MPTH

My story isn’t like a lot of other rappers. I didn’t grow up in the hood and join a gang and drop out of high school. I’ve never done drugs or partied until I blacked out. I’m a rapper because one day I found the words to express myself and I never looked back …

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"No Longer Living A Lie"

"No Longer Living A Lie"

"My self-harming was perhaps the addiction I struggled with most, because as I let go of my other disorders, I craved a sense of control. Control of the body has always been my coping mechanism. I can control what I do to myself even if I can’t control what others do to me..."
-Suzie Larson

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"My Final Destination With The Screaming Ice Queen"

"My Final Destination With The Screaming Ice Queen"

"She used to doll me up as a girl when I was a child.  Whatever her actions and reasons were at the time, it did not matter because what she did had messed up my identity of a boy and misled my sexual preferences. I struggled with my sexual identity and had problems accepting it even now as a gay man and I get depressed over it." - Sufyan Adli Supiani 

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"The Mask Of Fear"

"The Mask Of Fear"

"In a perfect society, we would all come out unscathed. The trials and tribulations we face would roll off our backs like a spring rain and nothing would deter us from our potential. Sadly, this is not the case and often times we are dealt a hand that has nothing to do with our decisions but the decisions of those who have gone before us. I faced such a situation at a young age and as I grew I found myself standing on the cusp of a decision. Do I allow this revelation to continue to feast on my future, or do I dig into it, removing it from my life forever? "
- M. J. Deskovic

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"Relearning How To Live"

"Relearning How To Live"

"I am still not the mother they spent their last 16 years with. My memory is non-existent, I forget everything constantly. My arms are always have a painful tingling through to my finger tips. I feel extremely anxious now, overwhelmed by anxiety. I drive myself crazy. With my twin’s hometown of Huxley we are slowly attempting to get back to life" - Megan Johnson

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"From Pain to Peace: My Recovery from Addiction"

"From Pain to Peace: My Recovery from Addiction"

"I roll to my side in search of my liquor, a sense of despair looms; my bottle looks empty.  I grab the hefty 60 ounce bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin and pray that there may be just enough left for one shot. Thank God there is.  I drain every last drop of the alcohol in my mouth savouring the burn on my tongue and the brief feelings of relief that arise.  This was my daily scenario as I approached the end of my drinking career" - Ishaq Malik

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"Judgement & Acceptance" - Life After Falling Off A Building

"Judgement & Acceptance" - Life After Falling Off A Building

What follows is two unique stories about similar injuries. Paul and Jennifer both survived a fall of a building, sustaining significant brain injuries. This is their stories of handling judgement and accepting their new life situations.

"On a few occasions I admitted that I had a Brain Injury years ago and this was the possible reason for my mistakes. I was fired."

"I woke to being a total stranger to myself. My family and lover were strangers to me, which must have broken their hearts. I was a grown woman, yet I thought I was a child."

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"Defiantly Yours"

"Defiantly Yours"

"You learn to dress and act and talk a certain way because that's what they want of you. But still I pushed back, defiantly trying to hang on to what I liked, the parts that made me ME" - Invisigoth Killswitch

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Why Didn’t You Just Try To Enjoy It?

Why Didn’t You Just Try To Enjoy It?

My grandmother used to say to me, “Don’t ever worry about the things you’re already worried about, it’s the things you never thought possible that get you.”
I could never fault her with this quote, I still can’t ... - Erin Mahoney

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Confessions of a Gay Muslim

Confessions of a Gay Muslim

"Being gay, in my bold opinion, is a grueling task. It consumes said person’s whole identity and from the moment they came out of the ‘closet’, they will forever be surrounded by that identity and that identity alone ..." Rinat Nur

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"Pits and Valleys”

"Pits and Valleys”

"On May 8, 2015, I was released from my fourth and final mental hospital. I had spent over half a year in them during the age of 14 due to self-harm and a suicide attempt. After two years of being put on God knows how many high dosage medications, it felt like my doctors and I had finally cracked the code" - Sam Wilson

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"It’s Never Too Late"

"It’s Never Too Late"

"I was two years old when my mother first abandoned me on my father’s doorstep, and five years old when I began to notice my mother’s abusive behavior. She would ignore me for weeks, pushing me away from her when I tried to hug her. The abuse seemed to grow stronger as I grew older. She would steal drugs from the nursing home she worked at and combine them with Captain Morgan and Diet Coke." - Sabrina Copeman

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"A Nourished Life"

"A Nourished Life"

"Back then, I was paralysed by anxiety and depression, staying awake all night unable to sleep the pain was unbearable. I kept on going, if only for the sake of what my family would go through if I were gone.

Aching from the inside out, even my skin hurt. I talked myself through each step to get through the day: one foot out of bed, open the blinds, open the door, walk to the kitchen, left foot, right foot. I lied to myself, promising if I could get through the day I could fall apart at night. Instead I found distractions to stay awake to the point of exhaustion until eventually I’d pass out, waking again the next day to repeat ... " - Lana Burns

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"PTSD & Me"

"PTSD & Me"

"The knocking didn't let up after that and I said, 'I'm off to sleep now'. The voice at the door suddenly said, 'Let me in'.

I sat up slowly and I could feel the adrenaline starting to kick in and the hairs on the back of my neck were raised. Just to clarify the next move I should make after that, I asked him the simple question, 'Why?'

There was no response ..." -Em

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