Paralysed By Fear


i wake
paralysed by fear
by nothing more than
and the obligation
to persist
forcing my eyes
to stay open
until it’s time
once again
to sleep

Some days, I wake, triggered by my dreams. Triggered by the fact that I exist. It’s ridiculous to say, but when reality comes to focus, can be terrifying. On my bad days, the moment wake, is the moment I realise that that day is a write off.

Today is one of those days. Yes, I can meditate, exercise, do the self-care. And it helps. But some days, I just have to ride it out - and write it out.

This poem came to me on one of such days like this. The imagery of the eye with ‘persist’ feels poignant as it is the only thing I can think of doing when down: Persist. Continue. Survive. Then, when well, attempt to put it all back together.

This post was inspired by the book, Augmented Realities: Human Poetry x A.I. Art