The Agreement


- Part 18 of KINK -


A long time ago, Society and Tradition got married.

Initially they lived in bliss, and humanity prospered. Great cities were erected, laws were created, money was invented, and religions were discovered.

But over time Tradition grew discontented with Society, for Society was always changing, and in turn was constantly pressuring Tradition to change as well. Tradition believed that whilst sex was necessary, it was in fact a necessary evil. One to be tolerated, but also shunned. Sex was best performed via ritual, only ever to be used for procreational purposes.

Society, on the other hand, was not in one mind about sex. Some parts agreed with Tradition’s beliefs, whilst others were radically opposed. Some parts wanted the freedom to explore sex in all its forms, and others wanted the freedom to abstain. Some parts simply craved pleasure for pleasure’s sake, citing sex as God’s greatest gift, and viewing Tradition’s beliefs as sacrilege.

This fundamental difference was a constant source of marital tension. Tradition could not change, and Society could not stay still. So, they fought, and in the process great swathes of humanity lost their lives. These deaths were unsustainable and began to threaten Tradition and Society’s very existence.

Shocked to the core, they finally recognised that their relationship was falling apart, and with it everything good they had created together. But they also recognised their inherent incompatibly. If nothing changed, their relationship would end, and humanity would fall.

Thus, Tradition agreed to look the other way if Society agreed to work with it to impose morality upon humanity.

Tradition knew that by accepting morality into their relationship, Society would also be accepting shame, thus desire for change would be drastically reduced. And Society knew that if Tradition looked the other way, humanity would still be able to explore sexuality as it pleased, despite the myriad of shame that now accompanied it.

Like most marital compromises, neither party was happy, and it was the children who suffered the worst of all.

Now, for the most part, humanity has limited its sexual experimentation to the realm of fantasy. Always hoping for more, but never acting to acquire it. Always wishing they could, but never having the courage to do so. Watching make believe movies and reading fictional stories about things they will never do more than just think about. Full of desire, and with no easy way to satisfy it, most of humanity simultaneously idolises and shuns the few who manage to brazenly navigate their shame. Why? Because those precious few are free. Their very existence serves as an act of defiance. They disregard Tradition and create their own morality, and in doing so, they transcend Society.

‘The Agreement’ is a part of KINK
Out now: eBook, Paperback & Audible

- Why I release everything for free -