What Moves You?

Photo by yns plt on Unsplash

What moves you?
What do you enjoy?
What do you wish existed?
What puts you into a state of flow?
What do you do for fun?

Focus your efforts there.

Money, fame and rewards may come in time, but don’t let materialism drive you. It is a fickle dream that can never be reached.

How much is enough? Always more. Thus you will never be satisfied, never truly happy.

Instead, you should embrace the process.

Let your actions speak for themselves. Let the art take centre stage.

Open yourself to the muse.
Let it work through you.
Let it guide your hand and buttress you with self-imposed discipline.

Success is an internal state.
No level of external reward can replace your inner truth.

So have fun.
Lean into the projects that bring you joy.
Make your work another form of play.