Kink: Volume 3

Kink: Volume 3

Indulge in an intoxicating world of desire and dominance with Kink, Volume 3, a scintillating collection of erotic poetry that delves into the depths of passion, pain, and pleasure.

From the subtle dance of power dynamics, to the fiery embrace of submission, and the promise of unspoken fantasies made real, each poem in this sultry collection pushes the boundaries of lust, inviting readers to shed their inhibitions, explore their limits, and surrender to the allure of sex, kink and BDSM.

Broken into four sections: flirting, foreplay, fun, and fulfillment, this collection will guide you through the subtle art of seduction, to the cheeky push and pull of foreplay, to the unrestrained crescendo of love's most intimate, passionate, and thrilling moments, and then beyond into aftercare and connection.

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How To Write Evocative Poetry

How To Write Evocative Poetry

Journey into the captivating world of poetic expression with renowned author and poet, Zachary Phillips. Whether you are an aspiring poet or a seasoned writer looking to elevate your craft, this enlightening guide is your key to unlocking the power of words and creating evocative, soul-stirring poetry…

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Kink: Volume 2

Kink: Volume 2

Prepare yourself for a toe curling, lip biting, heavy breathing experience as you are taken on an adventure into the sexy, sensual, and seductive world of Kink: Volume 2.

No matter what you’re into, there is something here for you, with 69 pieces of erotic poetry explicitly and expertly crafted to tempt, tease, and tantalise. So get ready to connect to your inner freak and perhaps even unlock a few new kinks along the way!

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A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken

A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken

I wrote these poems incrementally, but collated, edited, and recorded them collectively. A process that was at first therapeutic and then brutally revealing. A lot of the pieces touch upon regret, lost possibilities, and missed opportunities born of trauma, neglect, mental illness, and fear, as well as the desperation that comes when you find yourself searching for hope inside of darkness.

What could’ve been and what is, are not the same thing. A lot of my pain comes from an inability to reconcile those two disparate facets of my existence. I know I can’t have everything I want, no one can. But when you are broken, it can be hard to know what you want, let alone have any idea of how to attain it.

Thus, I write. I write to heal, to express the darkness within, to get it onto the page, and into the light. To understand myself and to understand my understanding of the world.

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