Why I Release Everything I Do For Free


It’s only through the open and honest discussion of our mental health issues, past traumas, and the recovery process that we can hope to heal and reduce stigma. I have made it my mission to talk, write, and share my journey as widely as possible, and to encourage others to do the same.

By sharing our stories we realise we are not alone, that there is hope, and that we can work to improve ourselves, despite our past and present issues.

I had a challenging past, one filled with neglect, trauma and fear. The journey of accepting my past and coming to terms with its continued impact on my life is a perpetual challenge.

Yet I am so much more than just a survivor, and if you can relate, so are you.

What I hope to do with this platform is to show that it is possible to go from barely surviving to passionately thriving. To both accept, manage and move on from the mental afflictions of the past and to embrace the future. To show that it is possible to follow your dreams, no matter your starting point in life.

The main body of work on my website is the summation of the advice that I wish I had growing up. My hope is that it provides some guidance, knowledge, and wisdom for those who are in need.

I also share my fiction and poetry for free. They are a form of therapy and self-expression. My hope is that their example may give you the encouragement needed to create as well.

If you are struggling, looking for connection or guidance, or simply wanting to go from a place of barely surviving to passionately thriving, it is my hope that my books, podcasts, guided meditations, video classes and other content will help.

I do not want money to be a barrier as it would have been for me when I needed it most - I moved out of home at 16, surviving off charity handouts and government support. Since then there have been multiple times where I have struggled to pay the bills and eat right. I simply didn’t have the money to pay for the resources that I desperately needed in order to get me out of that place. I couldn’t afford books, courses, or therapy. Whatever help I got, it had to be for free.

This is why I release everything I do for free.

Is this a good financial decision? Likely not, but it is the right thing to do. I believe that information relating to mental health should be accessible to anyone who needs it, not placed behind a paywall.

This website is a passion project, something I will continue doing because I love it and because it can help. The messages of support, acknowledgement, and connection is reward enough.

That being said, if you want to support my work I do appreciate it. Your generosity gives me the time to create, edit, and upload the content that you enjoy. Alternatively you can always share my work on social media or tell some about it!