Escape The Trap


- Ch: 11 of Wage Slave -

Are you really as trapped as you think you are?

Yes you have bills to pay, and mouths to feed; but realistically though, isn’t there some expenses that you can cut back on?

Do you need such a new car? Such new clothes? That spare bedroom? Wouldn’t the cheaper alternative have the exact same functionality?

Are you buying things because you want them? Or because you want to impress people with them?

Look back over your past. Life wasn’t always this expensive; you survived on far less then you do now.

But over time, as your income grew, so did your spending. What was once a luxury, has now become a necessity. Your tastes have gotten fancy, you are rewarding yourself with toys and treats, and those toys and treats are costing you.

More money warrants more personal rewards. More rewards cost money, and money costs you time.

This is the trap.

It is possible to escape this trap however. By looking at what you actually want from your life and by focusing on your values, you can chose where you spend your limited resources.

You can strip your life down to the bare minimum. Discarding everything that no longer fits. Your quality of life will drop, but your satisfaction will improve.

It will require a revaluation of what you want from life. It will force you to look into what you value and to take action accordingly.

You will struggle with this.

It won’t come easily or naturally.

You may lose friends and family - those still stuck in the trap who don’t understand your new perspective. Those who feel like your actions are threatening their way of life.

Your actions will scare them. It will show them that they too could make such a change. Some will follow you, but most wont. Those that don’t will try and pull you back, tempt you with shiny goods, new doodads and other distractions.

Resist this pull.

You know where it will lead you. You know the trap. You are moving beyond it.

Yes you will have to work in some capacity, but your work doesn’t have to feel like slavery. Find something that you enjoy doing, something the world needs, something that makes a difference. Find a way to get paid for that work, and don’t stop until you are.

Realise that everything humans do, enjoy and experience is provided by someone who is working to provide it.

You could be that someone.

You just have to have the drive to make yourself into that someone.

Don’t stop until you make it.

‘Escape The Trap’ is part of Wage Slave
Out now: eBook, Paperback & Audible

- Why I release everything for free -