"No Longer Living A Lie"

"No Longer Living A Lie"

"My self-harming was perhaps the addiction I struggled with most, because as I let go of my other disorders, I craved a sense of control. Control of the body has always been my coping mechanism. I can control what I do to myself even if I can’t control what others do to me..."
-Suzie Larson

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"Defiantly Yours"

"Defiantly Yours"

"You learn to dress and act and talk a certain way because that's what they want of you. But still I pushed back, defiantly trying to hang on to what I liked, the parts that made me ME" - Invisigoth Killswitch

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Why Didn’t You Just Try To Enjoy It?

Why Didn’t You Just Try To Enjoy It?

My grandmother used to say to me, “Don’t ever worry about the things you’re already worried about, it’s the things you never thought possible that get you.”
I could never fault her with this quote, I still can’t ... - Erin Mahoney

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"PTSD & Me"

"PTSD & Me"

"The knocking didn't let up after that and I said, 'I'm off to sleep now'. The voice at the door suddenly said, 'Let me in'.

I sat up slowly and I could feel the adrenaline starting to kick in and the hairs on the back of my neck were raised. Just to clarify the next move I should make after that, I asked him the simple question, 'Why?'

There was no response ..." -Em

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