Appropriate Workplace Conversation and Etiquette - Report Excerpts


- Ch: 06 of Wage Slave -

“… primarily, all employees should aim to converse only in a manner that is topical to their particular fields of work, as well as its related tasks and topics. This will ensure that all conversation remains politically correct, non-discriminatory and *victimless …”

“… it is to be acknowledged that employees will on occasion find it prudent to converse on ‘deep’ and ‘personal’ matters. Whilst unavoidable, it is encouraged that wherever possible this conversation be kept short, or deferred to non-working hours …”

“… to avoid potential litigation, employees are encouraged to not give any form of direct advice to one-another, rather to talk in generalities. If pressed, they should advocate for the adoption of counselling or other professional based interventions, with a preference for in house, company based services where ever possible…”

“… meme culture is to be avoided within the workplace (both physically and digitally). This extends to employees connecting on social media and internet forums outside of the company’s direct control/creation. Whilst humorous, meme culture is often not *victimless and must therefore be avoided …”

“… even if an individual says they are ‘okay’ with a joke (about themselves), even if they encourage such jokes, or create the jokes themselves, these jokes should not be encouraged or promulgated in any form within the workplace …”

“…  all physical contact between employees (regardless of gender or context) must be limited the following:

To gain a fellow’s attention use your words, or move into their line of sight. If not possible, initiate two quick taps between the elbow and the shoulder, using the back part of the knuckles of the hand with a loose fist.

Upon greeting and departure, handshakes are encouraged (refer to ** the ‘Personal Distance Training’ guidelines for strength and duration specifics) …”

“… it is strongly advised that employees do not engage in commenting on or complementing a fellow’s work attire. These comments can and do get misconstrued. At best this results in a Human Resources run mediation session. At worst this results in complaints filed and permanent relocation actions for one or both parties involved …”

* ‘Victimless’ conversations do not mention any individual person, nor do they mention any specific: race, gender, religion, ethnicity or other definable demographic.

** ‘Personal Distance Training’ is a four module, in house workbook, complete with diagrams and examples, designed to teach employees the concept of personal space within the workplace. An interactive online test is completed at the end of the workbook to assess aptitude.

‘Appropriate Workplace Conversation and Etiquette - Report Excerpts’ is part of Wage Slave
Out now: eBook, Paperback & Audible

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