112: On Reinventing Your Life, Cultural Differences & Escaping Slavery - w/Maria Phillips


Topic: Maria Phillips joins me for a wide ranging discussion on how to reinvent your life by discovering the impact of childhood schemas’, the benefits of cultural differences, cycles of abuse and past relationship issues, the red flag that is ‘too much passion’ as well as the realities of modern day slavery.

We also dissect the book ‘Reinvent Your Life: The breakthrough program to end negative behaviour and feel great again’ - Jeffery Young & Janet Klsko

Links Mentioned:
- The Motherland Podcast

- The Body Keeps The Score (book)
- Daring Greatly (book)
- Words On A Page: Killing My Inner Demons Through Poetry (book)
- How To Get Your Sh!t Together (book)

- Coaching sessions with Zachary

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