How I Am Gaining Financial Security During A Global Crisis

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I teach meditation, self-improvement, lucid dreaming and self-defence online through Skillshare. Since starting over a year ago my numbers have steadily grown each month, however I recently have seen a major uptick due to the Coronavirus.

Everyone is at home with nothing to do.

So they are turning to online instructional to fill the void, and make use of all that down time.

The process is relatively simple. You record and upload a video course, include a brief description along with a class project, and then share it around with your friends, family and online following.

You get paid based on the number of minutes watched, as well as getting a signup bonus for each person who joins based on one of your links.

Those who sign up get two months free access to all of your courses, as well as the 1000’s of others already up. They can also cancel anytime with prior to payment.

You could do this too.

There is likely one or more topics that you know well enough to teach online, and since you know and love that topic, you can be guaranteed that others will want to know it as well.

The only piece of equipment that I didn’t already own was a tripod. I film from my phone and edit on my laptop using free software.

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I have found a lot of success on Skillshare, and have guaranteed a small, yet stable source of online income. Not yet enough live off, but enough to know that I can buy food for my family if my regular job disappears.

This is a mental health must for me, and probably for you as well.

If you are curious, sign up via this link to Skillshare, check out my courses, learn something new and consider teaching for yourself.

Beyond the financial benefits, it is also great fun!