What Healing Actually Looks Like


I moved out of home young in an attempt to escape the neglect and the perpetual fear that comes from having a drug dealer for a father. To survive, I lived off charity, government handouts, and part time work to get me through high school.

I have been dealing with the mental health ramifications ever since. 

Suffice to say, it is a continual struggle. It really does feel like that in order to improve I need to take two steps forward, one back, then I’ll tread water for a while. Perhaps I’ll then get side tracked before finally getting my shit together long enough to take a few more steps forward.

All progress is great, and over the long term I am clearly trending up.

But the thing is, every back step hurts. It reignites all the self doubt and insecurities that I (thought) I had put behind me.

With years of experience, I now know to expect such back steps, so they don’t hurt as much. I know they will come, and I know I will be able to survive.

There is always something to learn; about myself, the world, and my place in it.

The key that I now try to keep in mind is that: 

It is possible to heal, but that healing won’t be linear, nor will it be simple. In fact it will be one of the hardest things you commit to.

It requires a change in mindset and the breaking of well formed toxic coping strategies and bad habits, then replacing them with good ones.

Self care.
Dream pursuits.

I have found it best to tackle all these areas one at a time, and little by little.

Get them all to a 2/10, then work on moving them all to a 5/10, then beyond. This sequential approach works well because you will start to see synergy; one area will positively impact another, and both of those will help the rest.

To heal, you only need to do two things:

1 – take action and start, any area will do.
2 – don’t stop, even when you take a backwards step.

Let’s heal together, yeah?