The First Step To Healing Is Always Acceptance

The First Step To Healing Is Always Acceptance

Before you can properly address a problem, you first need to accept that the problem exists.

This is true for all aspects of life, but in my experience, particularly true for addressing the impact of past trauma, and dealing with mental afflictions…

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Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink..

Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink..

There are certain activities that get me going. Certain situations, objects, places, and parts that really take sex to the next level. Don’t get me wrong, vanilla ice-cream is tasty, but sometimes I need to add some sprinkles and hot fudge sauce to enjoy my banana split sundae…

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Why Reading Fiction Daily Is A Mental Health Must

Why Reading Fiction Daily Is A Mental Health Must

Reading is a healthy form of escapism. If you find a good book, or better yet an author that you connect with, you will have a tool to escape your current situation and draw you into a new one. This allows you to put aside your current woes, stressors and issues, to instead immerse yourself into a new world. True, this world may have challenges of its own, but from the vantage point of the reader, you get to safely experience another life…

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Why A Blank Page Is The Perfect Therapist

Why A Blank Page Is The Perfect Therapist

I am not in a good way right now. My social anxiety is through the roof, I am struggling to look people in the eye, and I am having panic attacks while shopping. I find myself staring at a blank wall, for minutes on end, attempting to decompress from even the most mundane interactions or setbacks.

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The Vulnerability Of Creativity

The Vulnerability Of Creativity

Why writing a web comic is harder than writing about trauma

I write down what was discussed, and any advice given. I do not want to leave the session and forget what was covered. I am paying for it after all, with my time, money, and mental state…

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