Reflections of the Self

A collection of poetry, insights, and wisdom born of silence.

When we simply sit and observe the contents of our consciousness, we are granted access to a kind of instinctual wisdom. One that is both a reflection of the self and the universe. As we sit, we grow calm. Our body relaxes and our mind settles. Physical tension leaves and mental hang-ups are processed. Unfolding slowly, but inevitably.

The poems and discussions that follow are products of silence. I sit, and they appear, either in totality or as enough of an outline that I can complete them. The writing process, for me at least, is a practice of total surrender and discovery. I do not choose the words that are to appear on the page, rather, it is as if the poem already exists and I am merely tasked with finding and sharing it.

I hope this book inspires you to embrace your own silence, and to increasingly live by its teachings.

Out now: eBook, Paperback & Audible, or scroll down to read it for free.

Check out the chapter titles below. Once released, they will appear as clickable links. If you want all of these chapters in one convenient place, purchase a copy here.


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