

I wonder if
On the day I finally
‘Make it’
I will regret
The sacrifices
It took
To get there

How To Strike A Balance Between Work And Life

What do I value most?

I ask myself this question often, especially when I find myself in conflict between the demands of work and home life.

If I find that my actions are not inline with my highest values, I endeavour to change them. Often, in the process, I discover that the conflict arose due to forces influencing me to pursue things that are not in alignment: social media posts or advertisements pushing a certain lifestyle or look, family pushing a certain type of ‘success’, or societies implicit suggestion of what is the ‘right’ way to live.

For me, beyond a certain level, money doesn’t motivate me. If I have enough food, can pay the bills and have enough time for my family, I am good.

Should I work more so that I can get a new car? No, because doing so would cost me more money in repayments, money that I need to earn with my time. Thus, that purchase would detract from my core values.

This is a balancing act, one that is not at all easy - particularly in todays economic environment; nonetheless, I can still make choices according to my values.