#194 How I Survived (& Maybe Even Thrived) This Christmas

#194 How I Survived (& Maybe Even Thrived) This Christmas

Writing therapy saved me this Christmas. My therapist recommended that I take note of all of the things causing mental duress. Doing so was revolutionary. Most of the anxiety and rumination simply disappeared and I was left with a list of stimulus overloads that I could now see clearly and thus manage.

In this episode I reflect on the Christmas season, discuss the process of writing therapy, as well as discuss my creative plans for 2022.

I wish you well for the year to come!

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118: Why Your New Years Resolution Will Fail

118: Why Your New Years Resolution Will Fail

Big dramatic changes are almost impossible to maintain. Eventually your motivation will fall and life problems will surface, leaving you to fall back on prior habits.

If you are going to commit to something in 2020, make sure it is something that you value. Do it slowly, and don’t wait. Start right now.

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