The Neurodivergent Guide To Avoiding Overwhelm And Staying Sane This Christmas Season

The Neurodivergent Guide To Avoiding Overwhelm And Staying Sane This Christmas Season

Every Christmas season I talk on this topic, because every Christmas season I am reminded of just how overwhelming, panic inducing and confusing it all can be.

Thankfully I am learning from the past and have realised the need for intervention, prevention, and pre-emptive attention to self-care and preparation to stay sane over the next few months.

So with that said I want to share with you the following podcast and blog post. If you, or someone you know is neurodivergent, you will get a lot from this one….

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It's Not Okay To Be Okay...

It's Not Okay To Be Okay...

It’s okay to not be okay… but is it okay to be okay? Are we romanticising mental illness? What can we do to best safeguard our ongoing mental health?

In this episode I muse on these questions, as well as break down the come down from Christmas season…

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The Difficulty In Breaking Trauma Cycles & Surviving The Christmas Season

The Difficulty In Breaking Trauma Cycles & Surviving The Christmas Season

It’s that time of year again, when people like me find themselves conflicted by the festive season. On the one hand I want to enjoy myself, but on the other hand I feel overwhelmed by it all.

In this episode I discuss how I am managing to survive (and hopefully thrive) this Christmas.

I also talk about generational trauma - focusing on what it is, and why it is almost impossible to completely break the cycle.

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#194 How I Survived (& Maybe Even Thrived) This Christmas

#194 How I Survived (& Maybe Even Thrived) This Christmas

Writing therapy saved me this Christmas. My therapist recommended that I take note of all of the things causing mental duress. Doing so was revolutionary. Most of the anxiety and rumination simply disappeared and I was left with a list of stimulus overloads that I could now see clearly and thus manage.

In this episode I reflect on the Christmas season, discuss the process of writing therapy, as well as discuss my creative plans for 2022.

I wish you well for the year to come!

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168: Social Obligations, Mental Health & Triggering Family Members AKA Merry Christmas!


Christmas can force us to spend time with people we otherwise wouldn’t. This can produce a level of anguish, triggers, and awkwardness; all resulting in a diminished mental state.

Fortunately there are ways that you can guard your mental state in order to survive the coming week.

I’m Coming For You - Poem
Reflections of the Self: The Poetry, Insights and Wisdom of Silence - Out now

Your support makes this podcast possible.


117: Dealing With Christmas Depression & Social Obligations

117: Dealing With Christmas Depression & Social Obligations

Christmas presents quite a challenge to those of us with mental illnesses, past trauma or family/relationship issues.

There is a plethora of social, financial, and personal pressures that are simply forced upon us.

In this episode I deconstruct these issues as well as outline my approach to staying sane over the Christmas season. I also answer a collection of questions from you.

Click Here To Listen!

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