110: There Is No Correct Way To Be A Human

110: There Is No Correct Way To Be A Human

It is vital to remember that there is no one way to be successful (creatively, financially, spiritually, socially).

Successful people (and the unsuccessful alike) will offer endless advice. They will share ‘there truths’. Some of this will work for you, most won’t.

Keep what does, and disregard the rest - and when you get into a grove that works for you … Stick to it!

In this episode, I break down my approach (and folly) in my creative process, and how to avoid getting sidetracked by ‘helpful’ advice.

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107: How To Be Successful At What Ever You Do

107: How To Be Successful At What Ever You Do

If you keep turning up, you wont fail - provided you learn from past mistakes.

It is important to remember that every successful person kept turning up. They just kept going, pushed though, put in the work. They started from the same place as all of us. They had many reasons not to put in the work. Yet they did.

They took advantage of their natural attributes and upbringings of course, but they worked. If they can do it so can I - and so can you!

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21: The Joys and Challenges of Parenthood

21: The Joys and Challenges of Parenthood

Maria Phillips joins Zachary, to provide a follow up on how they are now finding parenthood. Recorded at three months in, they cover the joys and challenges that they have faced, as well as provide advice as to what information and purchases were useful and which were not.

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15: Protect Your Mental State At All Costs

15: Protect Your Mental State At All Costs

"Protect your mental state, that way you are in the best place to help others.

It is important to realise that your mental state is the lens in which you view the world, if it is compromised, so to is your ability to judge the people, events and actions of your life..."

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12: What Depression Feels Like

12: What Depression Feels Like

In this episode you will hear about Zachary's experiences with depression, the symptoms and impact on his day to day functioning.

"When I am depressed people want to cheer me up, which is a nice sentiment of course, but it doesn't address the issue completely. It is analogous to complaining that you cant understand a radio and to help, people keep raising the volume. You can hear it just fine, it is the tuning that is the problem"

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11: How I Get Myself out of Bad Mental States As Quickly As Possible

11: How I Get Myself out of Bad Mental States As Quickly As Possible

"When somebody is in a down mental state there is a tendency for them to feel like they have always been in that state.

Personally, when I am going through a bout of anxiety, depression or disociation I feel like I have always been suffering from it. It taints every memory of my past and makes me feel like it will be there for each instance in my future.

To combat this, I have written a 'mental health check list' that outlines that things have and will get better (they always have). As well as lists the activities that have worked for me in the past . 
I leave this on my wall as a reminder and promise to myself that I will try to get better, even if it feels like I can't. 

In this episode I go in depth, explaining what I do to pull myself out of a down mental state..."

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